privacy policy

Privacy Policy – Updated: 12.07.21

Privacy Policy

Castleast, LLC only collects information necessary for customer support, billing and internal marketing. The only information we will collect is service information required to help us with your needs. This will help us focus on your specific request. Castleast, LLC does not share any information with third parties, and will not solicit your e-mail address. We keep all information confidential and secure.

Acceptable Use Policy

This Acceptable Use Policy specifies certain actions and behaviors prohibited by Castleast, LLC for users on our servers. Castleast, LLC reserves the right to modify this policy at any time. By using Castleast, LLC, the visitor and customer unconditionally accepts the terms of this policy.

Illegal Use

Castleast, LLC servers may be used only for lawful purposes. Transmission, distribution or storage of any material in violation of any applicable law or regulation is strictly prohibited. This includes without limitation, material protected by copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property rights used without proper authorization, and material that is obscene, defamatory, constitutes an illegal threat, or violates export control laws.

System and Network Security 

Violations of the system or network are strictly prohibited, and may result in criminal and civil liability. Castleast, LLC will investigate incidents involving such violations, and may involve and cooperate with law enforcement authorities if criminal violation is suspected. Examples of system or network violations include, without limitation, the following: *Unauthorized monitoring of data or traffic on any network or system without express authorization of the owner of the system or network. Interference with service to any user, host or network including, without limitation, mail-bombing, flooding, solicting, spam, phishing and deliberate attempt to overload a system and broadcast attacks. *Forging of any TCP-IP packed header or any part of the header information in an e-mail or a newsgroup posting. Electronic forging of any kind.


Sending unsolicited mail messages, including, without limitation, commercial advertising and information announcements, is explicitly prohibited. A user shall not use another site’s mail sever to relay mail without the express permission of the site user.


Posting the same similar message to one or more newsgroups (excessive cross-posting or multiple- posting, also known as “SPAM”) is strictly prohibited.


Castleast, LLC uses the industry standard security protocol Secure Sockets (SSL) to encode sensitive information like your credit card number that passes between you and Castleast, LLC.

SSL Encryption

SSL works by creating a temporary, shared “key” (sort of a digital code book) that lets only the computers on either end of transmission scramble and unscramble information. To anyone between the sender and receiver-including all servers that may relay the message- the SSL transmission is indecipherable gibberish. SSL makes ordering online just as secure as using credit cards anywhere else.


Castleast, LLC does not necessarily endorse, support, sanction, encourage, verify or agree with the content, comments, opinions or statements from Castleast, LLC visitors, advertisers, contributors, vendors or partners. Information, products and services offered, sold, or placed online belong to the respective companies or individuals who place them there and are not representative of Castleast, LLC. The user understands that Castleast, LLC is not responsible for the content, quality, or merchantability of any information, product or service offered herein and the user must assume full responsibility to evaluate independently, completeness, quality and usefulness of any information or other content.

Castleast, LLC hereby expressly disclaims any and all warranties, expressed and implied, including but not limited to any warranties of accuracy, reliability, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose by any vendor, customer, or associate offering information, products, and services through Castleast, LLC Web site, linked to Castleast, LLC official Web site and/or Web hosting with Castleast, LLC. The user agrees that Castleast, LLC is not responsible, and shall have no liability to such user, with respect to any information, product or services offered by others who are linked to Castleast, LLC Web site or host on Castleast, LLC servers. Castleast, LLC shall not be liable for any damages allegedly sustained arising out of use of the information, products and services. Castleast, LLC only liability in the event of errors shall be the correction or removal of the erroneous information after verification.